We specialize in regenerated jewelry

Opting for a regenerated jewel allows you to find modern jewelry and big brand’s jewels as well as jewelry now out of production and vintage jewelry at a really advantageous price, without sacrificing the aesthetic and quality and the components of the jewel.

The jewel is subjected to a careful procedure by a goldsmith’s workshop through which it is restored to its original splendor.

This means that even with a careful visual evaluation, the jewel is practically new and ready to be exhibited, sold and loved.

The complete process

Study and Evaluation

Diamanti & Carati selects jewels from activities, such as jewelry stocks and inventories, and from private individuals (in the case of particularly valuable jewelry).

Through a study of the quality and originality of the jewel, we select the pieces that will undergo the entire regeneration process.

Our master goldsmiths with thirty years of experience, proceed step by step in the various processes of a method tested and refined over the years, which will allow, after the completed process, to obtain a perfect jewel.

Cleaning and Sterilization

The jewel is sterilized through a specific machine that uses ultraviolet rays and cleaned through a special ultrasonic equipment that manages to remove every single impurity

Working process

The master goldsmith examines the piece by studying it in every detail, in order to direct the laboratory towards the processes necessary to bring the jewel back to its original state.
Often this procedure can take weeks and the disassembly of the jewel itself or the replacement and creation of the parts that compose it.

Polishing and Rhodium-plating

To conclude the processing, the jewel is reinserted into the ultrasonic machine and carefully polished or rhodium-plated so that all kinds of imperfections or signs of wear and therefore to the eye of a potential customer it is perfect.

Final sterilization

The jewel is now flawless but before being exposed it undergoes further sterilization using a sanitizing solution.

More than

Gioielli Rigenerati nel tempo